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Solon Mitsotakis © All rights reserved 1994 - 2011 @ 101 Kissamou Ave - 73136 Chania - Greece - Tel: +30 2821401169

Photography is the process of trapping time with light, or making a photograph. The term photography encom-passes both process and technique, as well as creative vision, grace, and skill. Photography is the art of which the goal is to achieve to your own satisfaction, the ability to master these skills and virtues to perfection. Photography is a wonderful way of capturing not only reality, but your perception of reality. It is also an easy way to be creative without having to master a technique, such as painting or sculpting. Of course, mastery can take a lifetime, but you can still have fun in the meantime.

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Lonely Oak RadioLonely Oak Radio

The controls are always at the top or the bottom of the gallery or the photograps, you may need to move your mouse over.
You can toggle full screen by pressing the 'Esc' key.